Friday, July 3, 2009


I assume you found your way here from my Mom's blog, fractured toy.... but hello, all the same.
I'm pretty sure you already know who I am. But just as a nice gesture, I will give you some background info.

Name: (Not Giving Out)
Screen Name: You can call me either "Boy X", "Lime", or "ifhgsfj". Any of them work.
Age: (Not Giving Out)
Email: (Remove the AT and replace with @, remove the DOT and replace with .) lime AT weirdness DOT com

I will update with more info later, but for now I have to go!

See ya!

- ifhgsfj


  1. Ha! I am your first follower, so now you HAVE to update regularly... that's a dare!

  2. she beat me. she beat the co-author.
    How about a "100 things about me"?
    That's YOU not ME. The people want to know.

  3. You finally got your own blog? Will your mom be making guest posts?
